Toivo is Finnish for Hope! Party for Peace at Woodwalk Concert Gallery, Sept 5

Party for Peace, cuz getting angry just does not seem to be working… on Monday, September 5, from 4 – 8 pm at Woodwalk Gallery, 6746 County Road G, south of the Village of Egg Harbor.

Toivo, thanks to Dan Eggert Photography

Enjoy Stone’s Throw wines, Hinterland and Shipwrecked beer and snacks from the chef of the Whistling Swan, while listening and dancing to live music by local rock bands Toivo and The Snowbirds. Have a drink and enjoy the local music and beautiful atmosphere of Woodwalk, all while supporting Witness for Peace’s continued work for peace and justice in the Americas.

A suggested donation of $5-10 at door with snacks and great music provided “on the house” and locally produced delicious intoxicating beverages for sale.

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