Join Birch Creek Volunteers! Potluck Training and Sign Up Event June 8

In preparation for the summer season, Birch Creek’s volunteer corps, The Associates, will be holding their spring potluck, training and sign up event on Wednesday, June 8.

With the warmer weather finally upon us and the bright yellow dandelions popping up all over the county, many summer residents have made their way back to Door County for the summer. With spring comes the first Birch Creek potluck in Juniper Hall beginning at 4:30 pm. Volunteers will have the opportunity to meet new members as well as the new Operations Manager, Jenn Neuville.

Following the potluck, this summer’s crew chiefs will explain the job responsibilities of each crew and answer any questions. After the presentation, volunteers can sign up for various crew positions. The Associates support Birch Creek throughout the year in a number of ways including gardening, newsletter mailing preparation, office assistance, selling popcorn, sweet treats and other concessions and ushering at each concert.

In addition to directly supporting Birch Creek on concert nights, The Associates also play a key role in distributing concert schedules and posters to businesses around the peninsula, from Green Bay to Washington Island. Volunteers cite that they enjoy distribution because they get to meet new people and local business owners while spreading their passion for Birch Creek. Volunteers are still needed for this important job.

Additionally, Birch Creek is particularly in need of gardening volunteers this year. If you would like to provide support through your talents in gardening or in any other way, please call Birch Creek.

The Associates welcome returning members and new volunteers alike to their spring potluck, training and sign up event on Wednesday, June 8. If you plan to attend The Associates potluck, training and sign up event, please contact Birch Creek. For more information about this event or becoming a volunteer in support of Birch Creek, please call 920.868.3763.

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