Jacksonport Historical Society Presents Kurt Scharrig Family History, Sept 24

Join us on Saturday, September 24 at 7 pm at Jacksonport Town Hall on County V in Jacksonport as we visit with the Kurt Scharrig family.

Kurt Scharrig

Kurt Scharrig

The Scharrig Family history in Jacksonport dates back to 1922 when Minnie (Scharrig-Pleck) Knutson moved here as a war bride from Domson, Germany and her brother Kurt Scharrig came in 1923 to help work on the Pleck farm in order to have a better life in America. They left behind their parents, siblings and families.

Kurt married Elsie Krause in 1934. They began their life on Cty F in Fish Creek where their first child was born, Helen (Scharrig) Clemens. Then, they moved to Gibraltar Road where their second child, Alice (Scharrig) Merkle was born. Kurt then became manager of Matter Farm, a large farm on Berger Road in Jacksonport. They had prisoners of war helping to pick cherries. This is where their third child Esther (Scharrig) Bagnall was born.

Elsie died on September 23, 1937 after giving birth to her third child on September 6th. Kurt later married Elizabeth (Betty) Patza and they had three children, Mary (Scharrig) Haen, Ruth Ann (Scharrig) Berndt and Alvin Scharrig. Mary and Ruth Ann were both born in Sturgeon Bay. Alvin was born at the Matter Farm when a snow storm and unplowed roads kept them from getting to Sturgeon Bay.

Come meet the families of Kurt Scharrig and hear more about his life in Germany and his journey to America on Saturday, September 24. This presentation will begin at 7 pm at the Jacksonport Town Hall on County V  – please note, this meeting held on a Saturday, normally takes place on Wednesdays. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be served.

Check out the Jacksonport Historical Society Website for more information at: www.JacksonportHistoricalSociety.org.

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