Door County Vote! Egg Harbor Could Win Budget Travel Magazine’s Contest for the “BEST” Small Town in the U.S.A.

John Stogny says, “I am now asking for some HELP!”

“Is there anyway that this can be published in your paper and anywhere else that people will see it. We have so many people that love Door County, I am sure that we can win the contest if we can make people aware of the contest and where to go to vote. Any help would be greatly appreciated.”


Budget Travel Magazine is running a contest for the “BEST” small town in the U.S. A. 147 towns were submitted. Egg Harbor was one. The magazine then chose 21 towns and Egg Harbor was one of the finalist. Once the town is chosen, the way they win is by getting votes. Right now we are in 3rd overall and 2nd in the Midwest region behind  Ely, MN. I look at this not only a vote for Egg Harbor, but also a vote for Door County. How can Ely be better than Door County – there’s no way.”

America's Coolest Small Towns as of 2 pm March 4, 2010

America's Coolest Small Towns as of 2 pm March 4, 2010

“The problem is that the population of Egg Harbor is about 260 and the population of Ely is about 3,600, almost 15 times more people. We need to promote Egg Harbor (Door County) and let everyone know that this contest is up and running.”

Thank You,
John Stogny

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